Karl Seglem is described as one of the most exciting contemporary tenor saxophonists and composers in Norway. This country has spawned quite a plethora of distinctive musicians that have made it their enterprise to merge musical traditions, often from their respective homesteads, with contemporary expressions, world music and improvisational jazz. Karl Seglem looms prominently among these and he is unquestionably one of the great innovators and visionaries of Norwegian music; reinvigorating both Norwegian traditional genres and jazz with his unwavering will to fuse expressions, pursue crossover ventures and embrace new instruments, sounds and perspectives.
Seglem's main instrument is the tenor saxophone and he has played an important role on the Norwegian jazz scene. His CD-production counts 19 solo-albums and 17 albums with different ensembles (2017). Already at an early stage in his career he became interested in more diverse and genre crossing perspectives of music. Especially he has been deeply involved with Norwegian folk music and has explored it as a basis for improvisation and composition. For Seglem is much more than an instrumentalist, he has worked widely and diversely as a composer -developing new contemporary forms on the basis of jazz, folk music and more eclectic inspirations- and has also been instrumental to the growth of cross-over expressions and projects as a producer and record label manager for NORCD.
International renown has grown steadily and not least his releases Ossicles, Som spor, JazzBukkBox and Nordic Balm have captivated international critics and audiences. On these records the use of goat horns and other traditional instruments -notably the Hardanger fiddle- is masterly and excitingly blended with a plethora of modern and eclectic elements; electronic loops, jazz improvisation, world music traits and rock characteristics. Seglem often returns to the notion of the acoustic heart of his music, which is the grounded and timeless leitmotif. With this heart intact electronic elements and engineered sounds, as well as genre-specific traits, create a dynamism that is reciprocally enhancing.
In 2010 he received THE BUDDY AWARD, Norwegian highest Jazz award. In 2012 Egil Storbekkens Musikkpris for his work with goat-horns and årets Musikkverk from NOPA, for his comission work to Vossa Jazz 2012 "Som spor" (Like traces). He was awarded the EDVARD prize for his work "Tya" (with R.Skår), and have received other National and local prizes, grants and awards for his work.
Karl Seglem has toured Norway, Scandinavia and Germany, played in the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Japan, Pakistan, India, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Iceland, The Pharaoe Islands, USA among other countries.
Tindr, 2016
I Karls rike, 2015
Som spor, 2012, NOPA´s Musikkpris 2012
Nye Oset, 2008
Actofoil:Actiflo, 2008
Underlege dagar, 2008
Tidvatn, 2007
Ny rørsle, 2006
Fanfareførde (fanførdefare), 2006
Ei blå rørsle, 2005
Årle i old, 2004
Auge i vind, 2003
Berget grå, berget blå, 2003
Blå Morene, 2002
Lærdalstunnelen, 2000
Brot, 2000
Tya, frå bor til bytes, 1997
Koshkonong, 1995
Katedral, 1993
Øko, 1992
Lysspyd, 1990
Titt-Titt, Tv-etyde-leg, 1989 ​
Kvit frekvens, stille spor, poems, 2013
Monsterboka, (one story), 2013
Trøysteboka, (one story), 2010
Koreografi ute,(one part/piece), 2009
Eventyrboka, (one new fairytale), 2009
Godnattboka, (one goodnight-story), 2008
Stilla er ein åker, poems, 2006
As a producer
Draumkvedet, 2011
Lindha Kallerdahl, Lets Dance, 2011
Arve Henriksen, Ellivan, 2009
Tromsø Kunstforsyning, Tur, 2009
Åse Teigland, Stille, 2008
Berit Opheim, Den blide sol, 2007
Veslefrekk, Valse Mysterioso, 2004
A.R.S., Ambjørnsen& Bo, 2001
Synnøve S. Bjørset, Ram, 2001
Håkon Høgemo, Solo, (Spellemannprisen 2000)
Smak av himmel, spor av jord Grappa, 2000
Groupa, Lavalek MNW, 1999
Niss Kerstin Hallgren, Träd Amigo, 1999
Åse Teigland, Dansarsteinen, 1998
Lars Underdal, Gullfakse NORCD9827, 1998
Lorentz Hop, Hardanger fiddle, 1997
Berit Opheim, Eitt steg, 1996
Music to other arts
​​The Last Norwegian Troll, 2010 (film music)
Ei blå rørsle, 2005 (bilofil utgiving)
Nå skal du høre..., 2005 (film music)
Svik, 2002 (theatre music)
ROMiROM, 2000 (installation)
Varp21.null.8.,1999 (installation)
Struggle for life, 1998 (film music Norsk Villakssenter)
300 år i himmerik, 1992-93 (theatre music)